
IANAS Workshop on "Inventing a Better Future"




Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)

In the framework of IANAS Capacity Building Programme, the Brazilian Academy of Sciences hosted the “IANAS Inventing a Better Future Workshop: A Strategy for Building Regional Capacities in Science and Technology” workshop. The event took place at CNPq in Brasília from 21 - 23 July 2010 and was supported by IAP.

The major objectives of this workshop were to (1) present success cases in the Americas where Science Academies and National Research Councils had a central role in the ellaboration of S,T&I national strategies; (2) present and discuss examples of successful S,T&I National Plans; (3) plan and set up S,T&I priorities for countries in the region; (4) consider how decision makers adopt measures to strengthen the scientific and technological capacity of their countries; and (5) discuss integration and coordination of local actions among the countries of IANAS member Academies and other partner institutions to generate a synergistic relation that can benefit the parties involved.

Representatives from 17 countries of the Americas attended the workshop, which assembled high-level officers from 5 National Research Councils (Brazil, Ecuador, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, and Paraguay), representatives from 14 IANAS member Academies, and representatives from Nicaragua, Paraguay, Panama and Ecuador.

The agenda, presentations and report are available at: http://www.ianas.org.br/brasilia_en.asp