IAP Governance

The InterAcademy Partnership is guided by a Board comprising six co-chairs. From these six Board members, two are selected to act as Presidents.
IAP Board
President and Co-Chair
President and Co-Chair
IAP Treasurer
Treasurer, IAP

The IAP Advisory Committee comprises elected members and a representative from each IAP regional network. As per the IAP Statutes, the host academy and/or national academy of the hosting country also holds an ex officio seat on the Advisory Committee.

Regional representative, AASSA
Regional representative, EASAC
Regional representative, IANAS
Regional representative, NASAC
Ex-officio member
Ex-officio member
Ex-officio member

The Policy Advice Committee identifies and prioritizes policy needs surrounding scientific activities of global interest and monitors their impacts. It assists with fundraising for implementation of these activities.


The Capacity Building Committee supports IAP and its member academies and networks in strengthening their scientific activities, governance and management, to enhance capacity for greater impact.


The Communication, Education and Outreach Committee hones communication links between IAP and its member academies and networks, enhances the global role and impact of member academies and networks in policy advice and science education and shares information on global initiatives where IAP members can play a role.

The InterAcademy Partnership, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, registered in Washington, DC, USA as a public charity. Contributions are tax deductible. IAP provides independent expert advice on global scientific, technological and health issues. The IAP Secretariat has two offices. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) administers and staffs the IAP-Trieste office which is hosted by The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) in Trieste, Italy. The National Academy of Sciences hosts the IAP-DC office in Washington, DC, USA.

IAP Statutes

The IAP Statutes (the latest version of which is available here), together with separately drafted Rules of Procedure, describe the governing regulations for IAP and its Committees.

Code of conduct

IAP's Code of Conduct serves as a comprehensive framework delineating principles of diversity, inclusion, integrity, civility and respect within the organisation's activities. This code rigorously prohibits all forms of discrimination, harassment and bullying in any IAP-related engagement, whether it be in-person, virtual, or hybrid events. It not only sets clear expectations for behaviour but also delineates the consequences for violations. Overall, the code of conduct serves as a robust framework for ensuring a safe, respectful and inclusive environment within the InterAcademy Partnership, fostering collaboration and dialogue among participants while upholding the organization's core values. Read and download it here.

IAP Policy on conflicts of interest

The criteria ensuring the Integrity of IAP study panels are available here.