Guang Ning

Prof. NING Guan practiced as an endocrinologist for 30+ years. Prof. NING is the Guang Qi Professor in Shanghai Jiao Tong University and now serves as the President of Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine. He is elected as a member of Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2015. Prof. Ning dedicates his life career to clinical and basic research on endocrine and metabolic diseases, e.g. diabetes, obesity, endocrine tumors and etc. He is trained as a clinical doctor in China and as a postdoctoral fellow in Baylor College of Medicine in USA.
Prof. Ning has extensively engaged with national and international strategic science collaboration, e.g. national technology forecasting for 2035, health reform evaluation, pilot grants decision-making, inter-disciplinary collaboration and big-data regulation in biomedical industry. He received the Chinese International Endocrinology Award from American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists; the Lifetime Achievement Award from Israeli Diabetes Association and Israeli Ministry of Health; ANM-Servier Medical Prize from French National Academy of Medical Sciences; Yutaka Seino Outstanding Leadership Award from the Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes; and Honorary Fellowship Award from American College of Cardiology. He is elected to serve as an Advisory Committee member of InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) during 2023-2025.