
Academies must engage with society

Nature publishes an article by former IAP Co-Chair, Yves Quéré, who urges all scientific academies to welcome women and young scientists, and to take part in public and political discourse.

"There are several crucial ways in which academies can champion science and technology in their countries. The first is to promote excellence in scientific research and stimulate the public understanding of science, for example by awarding grants, publishing high-level proceedings or organizing public debates. They can also release reports on issues of public interest, such as the US National Academies' On Being a Scientist: A Guide to Responsible Conduct in Research, published in 2009 ... " says Yves Quéré.

See Nature, 465, 1009 (24 June 2010) to read the full article

Link to the Article online Nature. Restricted access

Yves Quéré, Académie des Sciences, France, was IAP Co-Chair from 2000 - 2006.