A group of academies strongly encourage that while global leaders develop programs and make funding commitments for Ukraine, there should be a focus on rebuilding a modern and globally integrated science and research system
The leadership of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, the ALLEA European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities, and the Royal Society of the United Kingdom, met in Warsaw, Poland on 2 June 2022.
The aim of the meeting was to discuss and agree on steps to build a strong science, innovation, research, and training system in Ukraine. Participants agreed upon a list of 10 actions that can be taken by scientific communities of theirs countries and also those around the world:
- Maintain institutional affiliations in Ukraine for Ukrainian researchers receiving temporary appointments abroad, in order to encourage repatriation once hostilities cease and the overall situation improves.
- Develop specific funding programs directed to early-career researchers from Ukraine and their teams, including such using remote working agreements.
- Establish funding programs for joint research by international teams with researchers working in Ukraine and provide for joint appointments.
- Provide access to specialized research facilities abroad, especially those that duplicate Ukrainian facilities damaged or destroyed during the hostilities.
- Provide remote, free access to scholarly journals to Ukrainian research institutions.
- Grant waivers for Article Processing Charges (APC), membership dues in scientific organizations, and conference participation fees for researchers and research organizations in Ukraine.
- Establish brain circulation measures for Ukrainian researchers for networking and mutual learning with colleagues and organizations in the international scientific community.
- Donate much needed and still useable laboratory and research equipment to Ukrainian institutions to replace capabilities destroyed during the war.
- Plan for post-war science recovery of Ukraine with the future needs of the nation in mind, including the modernization of Ukraine’s research, early-stage innovation and education.
- Establish a coordination council to maximize impacts, minimize redundancy, and make meaningful use of synergies, accounting for issues related to junior and senior-level researchers.
Read more on the website of the the U.S. National Academy of Sciences.

Photo by Yehor Milohrodskyi on Unsplash.