The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) would like to formally invite Governments and stakeholders to nominate experts for 'the assessment of invasive alien species'.
Nominees should have expertise related to the themes and skills required for the chapters of the assessment as set out in its scoping document (available here). They should be experts on invasive alien species within one or more of the following disciplines: natural sciences; social sciences; or the humanities; be indigenous and local knowledge experts or have expertise in indigenous and local knowledge systems; or be policy experts and practitioners. All nominees should have experience in working within interdisciplinary and/or international contexts.
Interested experts (Nominees) who would like to seek nomination by a Government, are encouraged to contact their IPBES National Focal Point ( regarding any country-specific processes or deadlines and are requested to fill out their application form by no later than 11 January 2019. Nominators (governments or organizations) should approve the applications and submit their nominations by 1 February 2019. Early nominations ahead of the deadline are encouraged. Experts will be selected according to the IPBES rules of procedure during IPBES 7, taking place from 29 April to 4 May 2019 in Paris, France. Experts will be informed of their selection in June 2019.
For further information, please see here.