
Final Declaration from the World Science Forum 2017

The closing session of the World Science Forum in Jordan (7-11 November) saw participants agree to the Final Declaration from the event.

The closing session of the World Science Forum in Jordan (7-11 November) saw participants agree to the Final Declaration from the event. The closing session itself took place on 10 November, nominated World Science Day for Peace and Development.

The Declaration highlights five main areas on the theme of the conference 'Science for Peace'.

DeclarationVisualENG.jpeg1. The equitable and sustainable management of natural resources is essential to avoid conflicts and to promote peaceful development;

2. The preservation of scientific capacities, threatened by global migration trends, is key to peace, sustainable development, resilience and recovery;

3. Diversity is a key enabler of excellence in science, technology and innovation and is essential to optimise its relevance and impact;

4. A commitment to the fulfilment of the universal right to science; and

5. Support of the launch of a regional science forum for the Arab World.

As a member of the World Science Forum steering committee, IAP representatives were among whose who drafted the Declaration.

Announcing Institution