
IANAS, the InterAmerican Network of Academies of Science, on BBC Mundo

Policy for Science
The BBC picks up IANAS publication "Women Scientists of the Americas: their inspiring stories"


Three of these 10 BBC interviewees were portrayed earlier and in more depth in “Women Scientists of the Americas,” 16 biographies of Women scientists, published by IANAS earlier this year with  substantial financial support from IAP. 

BBC Mundo, by further disseminating the interviews, obviously considers the inspiring stories of women scientists in Latin America a topic worthy of global interest.

In its posting, BBC Mundo names the InterAmerican Network of Academies of Sciences (IANAS) as the first of several organizations that have recently brought attention to the work of women scientists in Latin America.

For more information, contact:

Anneke Levelt Sengers and Lilliam Alvarez
IANAS WfS-WG co-Chairs
