

The first IANAS-OWSD Prize has been awarded at a Ceremony which was held at the Academy of Physical, Mathematical and Natural Sciences of Venezuela in Venezuela, in August 2012.

The first IANAS-OWSD Prize has been awarded at a Ceremony which was held at the Academy of Physical, Mathematical and Natural Sciences of Venezuela in Venezuela, in August 2012.

The IANAS Women for Science Program received funding from IAP for the IANAS-OWSD Prize for an advanced female PhD student in the sciences. The prize was made available to the twelve IANAS Academies in countries with the weakest PhD programs. The prize allows the winner to enrich her graduate research at an institute in another IANAS country of her choice.

Main features are:

  • Building research capacity by nurturing relations between research institutes in different IANAS countries.
  • Qualifying academies to decide on their countrys best female candidate for nomination. An independent jury to determine the best among the submissions received.

2012 Prize Winner

Dr. Clarimar Camacho
, advanced PhD student at the Chemistry Department, Central University of Venezuela, received this month the IANAS-OWSD Prize. The Ceremony Prize was held at the Academy of Physical, Mathematical and Natural Sciences of Venezuela in Venezuela.