
IAP and IANAS @ CILAC 2016

IAP recently partnered with GenderInSITE, TWAS and IANAS for sessions at the CILAC in Montevideo, Uruguay, 6 - 9 September 2016.

The event 'I Latin American and the Caribbean Open Science Forum' considered sessions on the following topics:

  • 'Networking globally to advance women in science: the role of international organizations', where panellists discussed the successful practices of four important international organizations: GenderInSITE; TWAS; OWSD; and IAP/IANAS, in capacity building, networking, leadership training and raising awareness regarding gender, science and sustainable development.
  • 'Managing water in the Americas: bringing a science and gender lens to the table' to reinforce evaluations of the use of energy and water management and about the development of gender and science lens in relation to energy and water.

IAP supported to participation of two of the speakers, Maryse Lassonde, President of the Royal Society of Canada, and Katherine Vammen, Co-Chair of IANAS Water Programme.
A full report is available at: