
IAP-IAC-IAMP Communiqué on New UN Global Partnership

IAP-IAC-IAMP Communiqué on New UN Global Partnership

17 July 2013 – We, the Co-Chairs of the IAP-The Global Network of Science Academies, the IAMP-The InterAcademy Medical Panel, and the IAC-The InterAcademy Council, wish to express our appreciation of the May 2013 report to the United Nations entitled A New Global Partnership: Eradicate Poverty and Transform Economies through Sustainable Development, produced by an independent High-Level Panel of 27 eminent persons appointed by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. This report underlines the important role of scientists and academics in meeting the urgent goals presented by the High-Level Panel. We support the transformational changes identified as critically important to achieving sustainable development.

In February 2013, the world’s scientific academies sponsored a conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, entitled "Grand Challenges and Integrated Innovations: Science for Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development." A “Letter from Rio” – the outcome document of that conference – identified the important role of the international scientific community in contributing to the post-2015 process.

Read the full text signed by 6 Co-Chairs.