IAP has been welcomed as the newest member of the Belmont Forum.
Established in 2009, the Belmont Forum is a partnership of funding organizations, international science councils, and regional consortia committed to the advancement of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary science. Forum operations are guided by the Belmont Challenge, a vision document that encourages "International transdisciplinary research providing knowledge for understanding, mitigating and adapting to global environmental change."
Forum members and partner organizations work collaboratively to meet this challenge by issuing international calls for proposals, committing to best practices for open data access, and providing transdisciplinary training. To that end, the Belmont Forum is also working to enhance the broader capacity to conduct transnational environmental change research through its e-Infrastructure and Data Management initiative.
By joining the Belmont Forum, IAP places itself at the heart of global discussions on designing and carrying out research into our environment and on sustainable development.
Other members of the Belmont Forum are listed here.
The Belmont Forum's announcement welcoming IAP as a partner is here.