
IAP reaches 1,000 followers

IAP has just reached 1,000 followers on its Twitter social media account.

What is the best way to stay abreast of news from IAP?
Visiting the website regularly is a good start.
But the best way is to sign up to follow us on Twitter at @IAPartnership.
Since this account was launched about 4 years ago, we have sent out more than 1,000 'tweets'. Such tweets feature news from IAP, from our regional networks, or highlight reports or other activities from our member academies. They also bring to the attention of those following the tweets opportunities for grants, to engage with various UN bodies, and other critical science policy news and information.
Twitter_1000_followersFor example, all new items uploaded to the IAP website are immediately tweeted - to bring attention to the item, but also to drive traffic to the website.
Via Twitter, our news is now reaching the landmark number of 1,000 'followers'. Many of these are academies of science and medicine - but there are still a number of academies missing out on this opportunity to receive all the latest information. Those academies without a Twitter account are encouraged to register one and to follow IAP - as well as other academies.
Twitter is a simple way of disseminating our news and amplifying our impact.
The scale of this dissemination can be demonstrated by looking at some of the recent figures when we were tweeting from the World Health Summit in Berlin. In one particular 24-hour period, for example, we reached more than 6,000 impressions; i.e. more than 6,000 individuals or organizations saw our news. For the week as a whole, more than 13,000 individuals or organizations saw our news. These are also records for IAP in social media and show how effective it can be.


Announcing Institution