The Plenary of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) concluded in their fourth session to undertake a further scoping of the thematic assessment of the sustainable use of biodiversity by: 1) organizing a workshop of experts to produce a revised draft, 2) organizing an open review of this draft, and 3) preparing a revised scoping report for consideration by the Plenary at its fifth session.
A group of experts has since been selected according to the IPBES rules of procedure and following a call for nominations from the IPBES Chair. This group met in Bonn on 2-4 August 2016 and produced a revised draft scoping report for a thematic assessment on sustainable use of wild species, which you can find here.
IPBES is now inviting science academies and other experts to review this revised draft scoping report in order to seek their views on the proposed approach, in particular from the point of view of users of the future assessment. This open review will take place for four weeks from 5 September 2016 until 2 October 2016.
Following this open review, the document will be revised by the experts and submitted for consideration by the IPBES Plenary at its fifth session. Please provide your comments in the dedicated template and send it back to no later than 2 October 2016. Note that comments should be submitted only on the given template and in no other form.
Academies are also requested to keep the IAP secretariat informed of any comments submitted (