The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) will host a series of online regional dialogues on the future role of the policy support function and ways to strengthen the implementation of objective 4(a) (advanced work on policy instruments, policy support tools and methodologies) of the IPBES rolling work programme up to 2030. The dialogues will be held in the week of 15 April 2024.
In response to decision IPBES-10/1, a dialogue process on the future role of the policy support function and ways to strengthen the implementation of objective 4(a) is being undertaken during the intersessional period 2023–2024. Building on the inputs received through the call for inputs issued in October 2023 (EM/2023/44), a draft concept note on the future role of the policy support function and ways to strengthen the implementation of objective 4(a) of the IPBES work programme up to 2030 is being produced and will be made available for external review in April 2024.
The objective of this series of dialogues is to present the content of the concept note and to seek further inputs from IPBES members, observers and interested stakeholders. The inputs will be taken into consideration in finalising the workplan for objective 4(a) and a proposal for institutional arrangements for its implementation that will be considered by the Plenary at IPBES 11.
A dialogue for IPBES Stakeholders will be held on 18 April 2024 from 14:30 to 16:00 CEST. Separate, regional dialogue workshops will be held for government representatives; a dedicated notification has been sent to national focal points.
Kindly register for the online dialogue for IPBES Stakeholders here, as soon as possible and no later than 8 April 2024.
IAP encourages its member academies to identify suitable experts to attend these global and regional meetings.
For any questions concerning the online dialogues, please contact the IPBES technical support unit on policy support at