
ISSC - the International Social Science Council launches a new global research funding programme

Policy for Science
The initiative is a contribution to the work of Future Earth, a global research platform that provides knowledge and support to accelerate transformations to a sustainable world ...

Transformations to Sustainability is a new International Social Science Council (ISSC) programme that will promote research on the fundamental and innovative processes of social transformations needed to secure effective, equitable and durable solutions to some of today’s most urgent problems of global change and sustainability.

Call for Proposals

The Transformations to Sustainability Programme will issue two calls for proposals in 2014.

Preparatory call for seed funding

This call will be implemented by the ISSC and is intended to enable social science researchers and their knowledge partners to respond meaningfully to the programme’s call for Transformative Knowledge Network proposals. Up to 30 proposals for seed funding will be supported. The maximum amount of seed funding will be €30,000.00 per successful proposal.

Issue of call: 31 March 2014
Submission deadline: 31 May 2014 (Lead applicant needs to be a social scientist)
Funding decision: 30 June 2014


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