
M8 Alliance Statement at the WHS 2018

Berlin Declaration – World Health Summit 2018: Health is a Driving Force for the Sustainable Development Goals

Global Health is central to the Sustainable Development Goals. International organisations, governments and non-state actors are increasingly joining forces to shape a more sustainable future. In 2018, many high-level political gatherings have reinforced the importance of including health in their deliberations: At the United Nations two high-level meetings were dedicated to the challenges of non-communicable diseases and to tuberculosis, and the G20 continued the series of health ministers meetings with a focus on childhood obesity. All reinforce – as does the World Health Summit – that in order to ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing of all people, the integrated support of all other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is required. It also reinforces the importance of a strong commitment to multilateralism to support Global Health.

The M8 Alliance has taken into account that the World Health Organization (WHO) in its new General Programme of Work sounds a warning bell: Only if we step up our actions considerably will we be able to achieve the targets set in SDG3. In particular, we need to accelerate impact to achieve Universal Health Coverage and health equity, especially in view of the high level of migration, mobility of populations and the many emergency situations worldwide. We also recognize the warning voice of the IPPC report and the reliance of addressing climate change to support health. A range of new initiatives in the Global Health arena now focus on alignment and accountability – first and foremost the SDG Action Plan spearheaded by the WHO and its Director - General.

The M8 Alliance has presented the first reiteration of this action plan at the World Health Summit on its 10th anniversary.

View the full statement here.

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