The Fourth International Conference for Young Scientists and GYA Annual General Meeting took place at the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of the Universidad de Chile and Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile in Santiago de Chile, Chile, from 21 to 25 May 2014.
During the General Assembly Session, elections brought for the first time an Australian and social scientist, Dr. Eva Alisic, to the GYA Co-chair position, alongside the re-elected co-chair Prof. Sameh Soror (Egypt). Soror: “This offers unparalleled opportunities to connect Australian science internationally, and to further increase the diversity of the Global Young Academy. Dr. Alisic takes over from Dr. Rees Kassen (Canada).
IAP was represented by Prof. Juan Asenjo, President, Chilean Academy of Sciences and Co-chair of IANAS during the events, providing an introduction to IAP during the Opening Session. See image below.
More information on the Global Young Academy (GYA), an IAP observer, is available HERE