- The Network of the Academies of Sciences of Islamic Countries (NASIC) met 18-20 April 2005 in Islamabad for the first time since the network's creation in 2004. Representatives from 10 academies participated in the meeting as did Pakistan's Minister of Science and Technology. IAP co-sponsored the event. EC co-chair Yves Quéré announced that IAP would provide NASIC with US$50,000 to help launch a series of regional programmatic activities. Participants also agreed to take steps to forge closer ties between NASIC and the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH). For additional information, contact the IAP secretariat.
- NASAC, the Network of African Science Academies, has launched an e-bulletin containing news of its activities, conferences, and networking among science academies in Africa. The first issue, covering January-March 2005 is available from the NASAC Secretariat. To subscribe, write to: aas@africaonline.co.ke
- The Bangladesh Academy of Sciences co-organized a seminar on Albert Einstein and S.N. Bose's fundamental contributions to quantum stat-istics. The seminar took place on 30 April-May 01 as part of the celebration for the World Year of Physics 2005. For more information, contact:
-NASIC - the Network of Academies of Science in Countries of the Organization of the Islamic Conference:
NASIC held its second executive committee meeting in Islamabad, 19-20 April 2005. Member academies discussed the NASIC agenda for 2005. NASIC plans to examine intellectual property rights (IPR) issues and encourage members to explore the challenges and opportunities posed by prevailing IPR regimes. For additional information and copies of NASIC's e-newsletter, contact: newsletter@paspk.org