- The IAP-established regional network NASAC (Network of African Science Academies) , held its first science summit on "The HIV/AIDS Pandemic in Africa" in Abuja, 20-23 September 2004. The summit took place in conjunction with the 6th General Assembly of the African Academy of Sciences (AAS). It was organized by AAS and the Nigerian Academy of Sciences with the support of the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology, Nigeria. The official communiqué called for massive investment in science and technology coordinated through the NEPAD (New Partner for Africa's Development) initiative to combat HIV/AIDS and the greater involvement of national science academies in policy making and science-based decision making. For details, see: www4.nationalacademies.org/iap/iaphome.nsf/weblinks/WWWW-65PDR8?OpenDocument.
- Cameroon Academy of Sciences held a workshop on biotechnology, focusing on genetically modified crops, food and feed stock, 23-24 July 2004 in Yaounde. The workshop was sponsored by the Ministries of Scientific and Technical Re-search, Higher Education, Environment and Forestry. At the close of the meeting working groups agreed to contact the Cameroon Ministry of Scientific and Technical Research to urge the creation of a national research programme for monitoring and evaluating genetically engineered crops. Reports are available from: cas-ciences@yahoo.com.
- French Academy of Sciences and the Bibliotheca Alexandrina signed a memorandum of understanding, 11 June 2004, the first by the Academy with a scientific institution in an Arab country. The agreement will also benefit the French educational programme "La main å la pâte", coordinated by the Academy, by describing the programme on the Bibliotheca's website in Arabic. For additional information, contact: frochen@academie-sciences.fr.