
Partnership for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER) Health - Indonesia & Philippines, coordinated by the US National Academies

Policy for Science
Call for concept notes by 14 March 2014 ...

PEER Health is a competitive small grants program designed to support early to mid-career scientists, primarily citizens of, low and middle income countries. The focus of the program is on ‘implementation science’ which USAID defines as: “application of systematic learning, research and evaluation to improve health practice, policy and programs in developing countries”.

The U.S. National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, and National Research Council — collectively the U.S. National Academies (NAS) — are private, nonprofit institutions that advise the federal government and public on matters of science, technology, and health by establishing committees of experts to address critical technical and policy issues.

The programmatic and scientific expertise resident at the National Academies make this organization an ideal convener for interagency collaboration around research.

At the full proposal stage, NAS will convene a special, independent peer review session to assess the scientific merit and development impact of submitted applications. The NAS led review panel will be composed of international global health experts, experts from U.S. government research agencies, and representatives and experts from the Philippines. Once grants are awarded, applicants will be required to draft a research protocol outlining research methodologies and protection of human subjects. A sample research protocol will be made available online prior to submission. This protocol will be reviewed by a technical panel convened by the National Academies. Upon final clearance of the protocol the National Academies will provide administrative and technical management for the PEER Health/Indonesia and Philippines program.

Request for Concept Notes
Concept Notes must be submitted electronically via the PEER online application site by March 14th 2014 at 11:59 PM (U.S. Eastern Standard Time).