World academies are urging health leaders and policy-makers to stand side-by-side with science in the fight against COVID-19. The InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) has been collecting their statements, publications, and recommendations in a dedicated webpage updated on a daily basis.
Some of these statements explicitly endorse the IAP Communiqué on the COVID-19 pandemic, a document signed by the IAP Executive Committee that calls for collective action on the global scale to improve and accelerate the use of research and its outputs for the global public good.
TWAS endorses the global call from UNESCO and from its close partner organization, the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP), recognizing the essential need for the global research community to act collectively and for open science to control the spread of the virus. (…) TWAS, as a leading organization for the development of science capacity in the developing world, not only endorses IAP’s statement but holds that developing countries and especially the Least Developed Countries must receive strong support from the global health and scientific communities. We call for international collaboration, especially South-South collaboration between developing countries, both during the COVID-19 pandemic and in its aftermath, to provide developing nations with expertise and scientific knowledge to respond to this crisis and guard against similar future events
reads the TWAS statement.
In the wake of COVID-19 pandemic, NASAC has a critical role to play, collectively as a consortium of science academies and individually as an affiliate network for Africa of the global InterAcademy Partnership. NASAC therefore encourages its members to provide scientific leadership by communicating timely evidence-informed advice for African governments
reads the NASAC statement.
We are also members of the InterAcademy Partnership of academies of sciences and of medicine (IAP), with participants from over 100 countries around the world, including countries in the most difficult circumstances. The IAP member academies can play an important role in their own countries and through international and regional cooperation, working in close collaboration with government, academia and the private sector, in order to overcome the current COVID-19 pandemic.
reads the G-Science Academies of Science and of Medicine statement, signed by Academia Brasileira de Ciências, Brazil; Royal Society of Canada, Canada; Académie des Sciences, France; German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, Germany; Global Young Academy; Indian National Science Academy, India; Indonesian Academy of Sciences, Indonesia; Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Italy; Science Council of Japan, Japan; Nigerian Academy of Science, Nigeria; Korean Academy of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea; Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia; Royal Society, United Kingdom; National Academy of Sciences, United States of America; and National Academy of Medicine, United States of America.