Despite many and varied efforts, literacy remains an elusive target: some 793 million adults lack minimum literacy skills, which means that about one in six adults is still not literate; 67.4 million children are out-of-school and many more attend irregularly or drop out.
The IAP Science Education Programme (SEP) - highlights of SEP Activities - by the Chair, Prof. Dato Lee Yee Cheong in conjunction with UNESCO's International Literacy Day - 8 September 2013
The great challenge of the 21st Century confronting humankind is growing global population consuming beyond the resources of planet earth. The challenge is compounded by global poverty and global climate change.
The prerequisite to tackle the above challenges is human capital development through education and literacy.
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UNESCO Institute for Statistics: "Every year the number of adults who can’t read or write declines. Thanks to greater access to education, young adults are much more likely to be literate than their parents. But millions of children are still out of school, and millions more leave primary school without basic literacy skills. In short, these children of the 21st century, most of whom are girls, are destined to live on the social and economic margins of our world. We need to keep our promise: Education for All".
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