The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine USA, becomes the host for the IAP-R Secretariat, with Teresa Stoepler as the new executive director.
WASHINGTON, D.C., 9 November 2017 – The National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, USA (NASEM), has offered to serve as the host academy for the InterAcademy Partnership for Research (IAP-R) secretariat, demonstrating NASEM’s commitment to international scientific cooperation and to strengthening the global mechanisms to provide scientific advice to national governments and international organizations. Under a recently signed IAP-NASEM Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), NAS will host and staff the IAP-R secretariat for up to the next five years.
Launched in 2016, the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) brings together more than 130 national and regional academies of science, medicine and engineering. IAP and its members work together to support the critical role of science in seeking solutions to the most pressing global challenges.
IAP-R brings together the leading scientists and engineers worldwide to provide high quality, in-depth scientific advice to the United Nations, other international organizations, and national governments on critical science policy issues. To accomplish this, IAP-R produces studies using carefully chosen expert committees and independent peer review. There are currently two IAP-R products in progress, (1) “Improving scientific input to global policymaking: Strategies for attaining the sustainable development goals” and (2) “Harnessing science, engineering and medicine to address Africa’s challenges.” Both are supported by the Carnegie Corporation and are expected to produce final reports in late 2019. Other products in development include a guide for academies on mechanisms for supporting the Sustainable Development Goals at the national and global levels.
Dr. Teresa Stoepler has been selected as the executive director of IAP-R. Stoepler is also a program officer in the Policy and Global Affairs Division of NASEM where she continues to lead the Pakistan – U.S. Science & Technology Cooperation Program and contributes to other international scientific activities. She is a member of the Global Young Academy where she co-leads an initiative to induct at-risk and refugee scholars into the membership of the organization. Trained as an ecologist, Stoepler was previously an American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science & Technology Policy Fellow with the U.S. Geological Survey. She earned a B.S. in Biology and Botany from Humboldt State University and a Ph.D. in Biological Sciences from the George Washington University.
NASEM will also provide significant support for Nina Ward to continue as IAP-R Program Associate, a role she has served in since 2014.
NASEM looks forward to fulfilling its commitment to the international scientific community in supporting the IAP.
For more information: please visit for information on the Partnership organization and for information on IAP-R or contact Teresa Stoepler, executive director of IAP-R, Washington D.C.,, +1-202-334-2238.