
Young Physician Leaders - IAMP starts the process for 2014 ...

The Interacademy Medical Panel (IAMP) is seeking candidates to participate in the 2014 Young Physician Leaders Programme in Berlin, Germany during the World Health Summit in October 2014.

The programme is articulated in two parts:


  • 17 & 18 October 2014 - A specific leadership development programme with a focus on analysing models of leadership with the aim of developing an individual action plan for personal leadership growth, following the workshop.
  • 19 – 22 October 2014 Participation as special guest at the World Health Summit.

The aim of the programme is to foster a new generation of leaders in global health and we especially encourage the nomination of women.
Candidates should be under 40 years of age with demonstrated outstanding accomplishments in clinical medicine, medical education, public health or health policy.

Deadline for sending nominations is 4 July 2014. Successful candidates will be informed shortly thereafter.

Information on previous YPL events and nomination forms available at &