IAP Programmes

... capacity building for science academies in OIC countries

Activities in 2004
A workshop was held from 17-18 March 2004, hosted by the Pakistan Academy of Sciences, in Islamabad for academies of science in OIC countries (Organization of the Islamic Conference). This workshop was a follow-up of the IAP workshop held in Trieste in March, 2003 where it was decided that one of the attending academies would organize an activity focusing on capacity building for science academies and on ways and means for collaboration and cooperation between them.

The participants concentrated their attention on developing co-operation between academies, discussed the structure and functions of academies of science in their countries and considered ways and means of developing their capacities to fulfil their basic mission, including the provision of independent advice to governments. Participants agreed to develop a network of communication between the academies, thus enabling them to sustain each other in their functions. The workshop also provided the opportunity to exchange ideas with other delegates on how to assist in the establishment of national science academies in those countries where there are none.
At the close of the workshop, the Network of Academies of Science from OIC Countries was formed.

Links to:


List of participants
For more information, contact the NASIC Secretariat, Khalid M. Khan, email: pasisb@yahoo.com.

The first workshop for this group of academies was organized in Trieste in 2003, see below for further details.

Previous Activities in 2003

Workshop on Capacity Building for Science Academies and Symposium: Science, Religion and Values
5-7 March 2003 - Trieste, Italy

The aim of the workshop was to bring together the presidents of science academies and the ministers responsible for science and technology from 15 countries with predominantly Muslim communities to present and discuss the structure and functions of their academies of science and the ways and means of developing their capacities to fulfill their basic mission. The workshop provided an opportunity for these academies to discuss and share experiences on important issues of common concern. A similar workshop was held in May 2001 in Trieste involving academies of science in Africa.

Press Coverage

Scidev.net - "Muslim world pledges more science academies" by Ehsan Masood is available from scidev.net archives: http://www.scidev.net

Nature, Vol 422, 13 March 2003 Editorial and Article by Declan Butler can be downloaded as PDF files.

TWAS Newsletter, vol. 15 no. 2 (Apr/Jun 2003) contains workshop briefs, and articles by a selection of the speakers. Download pdf file

Links to:
Final Recommendations

Summary of Symposium - John Webb

Keynote Address: "Science, Religion and Values" - Fraser Watts


Final list of participants

Workshop announcement.