 Academy / 
IAP Member / 

Académie des Sciences et Techniques du Sénégal

61, Boulevard Djily MBAYE
BP 4344 RP



The Senegal Academy of Science and Technology (ANSTS) was created at the end of the constitutive General Assembly on 9 November 1999. ANSTS is a consultative structure, a consultation and assistance body for both, public and scientific authorities, a centre of competence and expertise for the design of knowledge and the indispensable renewal of knowledge and thinking. It has a general advisory mission.

The creation of ANSTS was officially confirmed and registered under the Association Declaration Receipt N° 10120/M.INT/DAGAT/DEL/AS of 2 February 2000, governed by the provisions of articles 811 and seq. of the Code of Civil and Commercial Obligations. Its Statutes are approved by Decree N° 2006-289 of 3 April 2006.

ANSTS shall be made up of regular members of Senegalese nationality, foreign associate members, corresponding members and honorary members of all nationalities and emeritus members.