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Academy of Sciences of Moldova

1 Stefan cel Mare bd.



The Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM) is a public institution of national importance that brings together personalities with outstanding achievements in the fields of research, innovation, and culture: titular members (academicians), corresponding members, honorary members as well as researchers, elected as members of the Scientific Sections of the Academy. The titular members and corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences are scientists and people of high civic standing, well-known specialists in the field, citizens of the Republic of Moldova, who have distinguished themselves by works of great theoretical or practical value and have contributed considerably to the development of national science and culture. Honorary members of the Academy of Sciences are prestigious personalities from the country and abroad, who have achieved remarkable results in science and culture, support the Academy of Sciences, actively participate in technical and scientific cooperation with organizations in the fields of research and innovation in Moldova.

The activities of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova are organized in three Scientific Sections: Life Sciences Section, Exact and Engineering Sciences Section and the Social, Economics, Humanities and Arts Section. The Scientific Sections bring together titular and corresponding members, as well as 15 members (researchers) from the specific fields of research, chosen by competition, for a period of 4 years.

The Academy of Sciences is the strategic counsellor of the Government in the fields of science and innovation, realizing the yearly report on the state of science in the country. At ASM, there are seven communication platforms actively promoting scientific dialogue within the academic community and between researchers and society:

“Ecological security in the context of accelerated environmental changes” (coordinator: c. m. Elena Zubcov);

“Food Security and Food Safety” (coordinator: dr. hab., prof. Rodica Sturza);

“Economic security, migration and demographic transformations” (coordinators: acad. Grigore Belostecinic and c.m. Alexandru Stratan);

“Strokes” (coordinator: acad. Stanislav Groppa);

“New type of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and interference with other diseases” (coordinator: acad. Eva Gudumac);

“Basic sciences for sustainable development of the society” (coordinator: Prof. Vladimir Fomin);

“Education in society” (coordinator: c. m., Prof. Ion GAGIM).

The supreme representative body of the institution is the General Assembly of the Academy of Sciences. The executive body of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova is the Presidium, which organizes and coordinates the activity of the Academy of Sciences according to the Code on Science and Innovation of the Republic of Moldova.

The Academy of Sciences of Moldova collaborates with many partners at national and international levels promoting science-related activities beneficial for the society and integration in the European Research Area.