 Academy / 
IAP Member / 

Academy of Sciences, Arts, Cultures of Africa and African Diasporas (ASCAD), Côte d’Ivoire

01 P.O. Box V44

Abidjan 01


The Academy of Sciences, Arts, Cultures of Africa and African Diasporas (ASCAD) was created on September 01, 2003 following a presidential decree No 2003-336, with HQ located in Abidjan. It is an Ivorian knowledge Society acting as an Independent Authority with its own legal personality and financial autonomy. It composed of 60 permanent peer elected members, irrespective of their genus, and only based on their great contribution to the scientific community and their good morality. About 90% of them are Ivorian citizens the 10% remaining being foreign members of different citizenships from all continents. ASCAD’s activities are split into five major Domains of knowledge like Exact Sciences (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Computer Science), Natural Sciences (Agronomy, Medicine, Biology, Geology, and Environment), Social Sciences (Economy, Management, Sociology, Psychology, Geography, and History), Literature and Human Sciences (Linguistics, Philosophy, Foreign and Local Languages), Arts and Cultures (Architecture, Engineering, Music, Visual Arts, and Cinema). A Secretary of Academy, elected by peers, leads each of them. The Electoral College is the Academy’s decisional body, the executive one being the Bureau, which is composed of a President, a Vice-President and five Secretaries of Academy. ASCAD is also composed of five specialized commissions like Finance, Projects and Studies, Social Affairs, Scholarships, Prize and Awards, each of them being led by a President elected by peers.