Andris Skride
Cardiologist, Pulmonary hypertension specialist

· is an interventional cardiologist and pulmonary hypertension expert at Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital in Riga, Latvia. · Dr. Skride holds an MD diploma from Riga Stradins University and is board certified in internal medicine and cardiology. · He is the founder and current manager of Latvian pulmonary hypertension registry and head of Rare Disease Specialist Association of Latvia. · Dr. Skride has been actively involved in education of health professionals in Latvia, aiming to increase the awareness of rare diseases in daily practice as many of those diseases are severely underdiagnosed in developing countries. · He is also one of the main organizers of two local conferences on rare diseases and of the first Baltic Pulmonary Hypertension Conference which took place in Riga last spring. · Currently Andris devotes his free time to finish his PhD thesis.