Anthony Capon

Professor Anthony Capon directs the global health institute at United Nations University (UNU). A public health physician and authority on environmental health, his research focuses on urbanisation, sustainable development and population health. Tony has more than two decades of senior leadership and management experience in public health research, education and policy. Previously, Tony held academic appointments with Australian National University and the University of Canberra. He was the founding convenor of the climate change adaptation research network for human health in Australia. A former director of public health in western Sydney, Tony also worked on the control of non-communicable diseases with the charitable organisation Oxford Health Alliance. Since 2008, Tony has been advising the International Council for Science (ICSU) on the development of a global interdisciplinary science programme on health and wellbeing in the changing urban environment using systems approaches. Now co-sponsored by IAP for Health and UNU, this programme is hosted by the Chinese Academy of Science’s Institute of Urban Environment, based in Xiamen. Tony has held NHMRC and WHO fellowships, as well as leadership roles with the Australasian Faculty of Public Health Medicine in the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, the International Society for Urban Health and the Frank Fenner Foundation: For healthy people on a healthy planet. Tony was a member of the Rockefeller Foundation–Lancet Commission on Planetary Health which published its report Safeguarding human health in the Anthropocene epoch last year. Currently, he is a member of the advisory committee for the Planetary Health Alliance and the scientific advisory panel for the UN Environment Programme’s 6th global environment outlook assessment on the theme of Healthy Planet, Health People.