Cristina Genovese
Wisen assistant Department of Biomedical and Dental Sciences, Italy

Cristina Genovese has been working at the University of Messina since 2014 as medical resident and then as PhD student between 2020-2022; 3M company since 2021 as a clinician with expertise in epidemiology and data analyst in Health Information System; LHU of Messina since Febrary 2023 as a medical doctor with the role of coordinator of primary care. University of Messina since 2 October 2023 as a Wissen Assistant (C1).
She holds a degree in Medicine and Surgery (2013), as physician in the Postgraduate Medical School in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine in 2020, PhD in Translational Molecular Medicine and Surgery in 2022. She lives in Milazzo. In her free time she like snorkeling, does water aerobics, and enjoys spending time with friends. Her special relaxing method is to read a book.