Edgar González

Associate Professor, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Director Nanoscale Science and Technology Center
Edgar E González is a full Professor of physics, nanoscience and nanotechnology at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia, where he leads the Group of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. He is director of the Nanoscale Science and Technology Center, member of Colombian Academy of Exact Physical and Natural Sciences, General Coordinator of the Colombian Network of Nanoscience & Nantechnology, and Convergence Bio-Nano Network.
He completed his undergraduate studies in Physics at the National University of Colombia, and his doctoral studies at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He is a researcher in the area of quantum physics and science and technology of nanomaterials, specifically in the production of nanostructures, modelling, characterization, study of physicochemical properties and their implementation in systems and processes for production of clean energy, environmental remediation, diagnosis and treatment in the area of health.
He has actively worked with high school students and teachers to promote the building and development of comprehensive thinking spaces as a base to encourage creativity and the strengthening of logic-formal thinking in the formative process. He has worked in the creation of spaces aimed at cultivating creativity and stimulate curiosity, amazement, sensitivity and interest in science. Activities such as the museum: Journey Inside the Matter, the Nano in School program and Save Water Save Life Iniciative, are some of the activities carried out in recent years.