Thiam Seong Christopher Lim

Dr Christopher Lim graduated from Queenís University of Belfast, UK with distinctions. He subsequently completed his internal medicine training in UK and was awarded the Membership Of the Royal College of Physician (UK) in 2001. Subsequently he took up the offer of Advance Specialty Training post in nephrology by in Singapore General Hospital. He completed his specialty training in Nephrology in Singapore and was admitted as Fellow in Academy of Medicine of Singapore (Nephrology) in 2005. His areas of interest are intervention nephrology, renal replacement therapy and glomerulonephritis. During this training, he was one of the front liners against SARS outbreak and he was awarded medal of bravery by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. Dr Lim was awarded the Fellowship of Royal College of Physician of Edinburgh (FRCP) in 2011.Dr Christopher Lim returned to Malaysia to join Universiti Putra Malaysia in 2005. He is the founding member of the nephrology unit and has been holding the post of head of nephrology unit since 2006. He also holds the post of associate professor of medicine.His research interest is in the field of glomerulonephritis, peritoneal dialysis and intervention nephrology.