
Luis Velázquez Pérez


Luis Velázquez-Pérez profile photo

Luis Velázquez-Pérez, MD, PhD and Dr. Sc.  (Holguín, 1963). President of the Cuban Academy of Sciences.  Clinical Neurophysiologist  and II Degree in Neurology. Post-doctorate at the Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico (2013-2014) and in the University of Tübingen, Germany 2014-2016. Full Academic. Senior Researcher and Professor. Guest Professor at the University of Holguin. Founding Director of the Center for Research and Rehabilitation of Hereditary Ataxias. Founding Director of the Pan-American Network of Hereditary Ataxias. He has more than 250 publications. He has an H index of 35 with more 3000 citations. He is ad hoc reviewer of several international journals and associate editor of the journal Cerebellum & Ataxias. Georg Foster Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Distinguished Personality in the Science sector in the Province of Villa Clara. He has trained more than 70 specialists in different branches and 13 PhD. He has 10 National Awards from the Cuban Academy of Sciences and more than 20 National Health Awards per year, as well as several International Awards. He is devoted to spinocerebellar ataxias researches providing outstanding contribution to improvements in the staging of the disease, as well as the description of biomarkers, therapeutic targets, and treatment strategies.