Manuel Antonio Espinoza
Assistant Professor,

· Manuel holds a medical doctor degree and Master in Epidemiology both from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; a Master in Biostatistics from Universidad de Chile, and Master and PhD in Health Economics, both from University of York in the UK. · · Manuel´s work includes the development of methods and processes for prioritization in health care as well as applied research in health economic evaluation. He has been consultant for several public entities in Latin America as well as the World Health Organization, Interamerican Bank of Develoment and the World Bank. · · He is president of the Latinamerican Consortium of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) and president of the ISPOR Chile Chapter. He is invited professor in univeristies in Peru, Colombia, Panamá and México. Manuel lives in Santiago Chile with his wife and his two daugthers.