
Prof. Hernan Chaimovich

Chaimovich photo

Brazilian, born in Chile, 1939. Biochemist, Univ Chile, 1962; Full Professor, Institute of Chemistry, Univ São Paulo ( IQUSP ), 1984. Research: Biomimetic Systems, micelle and vesicle structure and applications, micellar and enzyme catalysis (Chaimovich, H). Chairman, Dep. Biochemistry, IQUSP, 1985-89 , 1994-96; President Brazilian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 1994-96; Research Chancellor, USP, 1997-01; Director, IQUSP, 2002-06; Vice–President, International Council for Science, ICSU, 2005-08; Co–Chair, Inter-American Network of Academies of Science, IANAS, 2004-10; Member, Brazilian Council Science and Technology, CCT, 2007- to date; Vice-President, Brazilian Academy of Sciences, 2007- 15; Member, Academies of Science of Brazil, The Developing World (TWAS), Latin America (ACAL) and São Paulo, Brazil (ACIESP). Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS/ USA). Corresponding Member, Academies of Science of Chile and Venezuela. Grand Cross National Order of Scientific Merit , Brazil; Butantan Medal, São Paulo, Brazil; Commandeur dans l' Ordre des Palmes Académiques, France; Doctor Honoris Causa, Univ. de la Frontera, Temuco, Chile.