R. Indarjani

R. Indarjani (Doctor of Philosophy in Marine Biology from the Adelaide University, South Australia) was Deputy Director for Program of South East Asia Ministers of Education Organisation (SEAMEO) Regional Centre for “Quality Improvement of Teacher and Education Personnel in Science”, (QITEP), Bandung, Indonesia (2012-2019). This institution is committed to promote Inquiry-based Science Education (IBSE) through various and innovative trainings and workshops, producing learning resources, conducting education seminars and conferences and establishment of professional community learning in Southeast Asia region through cooperation with the UNESCO International Science Technology and Innovation Centre for South-South Cooperation (ISTIC), Kuala Lumpur; La Main a la Pate (LAMAP) Foundation, France; Primary Connections of the Australian Academy of Science and STEL’R of the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering. She worked with Professor Bruce Alberts, US President Obama’s Science Envoy to Indonesia in getting the Indonesian Academy of Science (AIPI) engaged in IBSE and STEM activities.
Her effort to promote the IBSE also touched the policy level in SEAMEO and Indonesia by defining IBSE as the niche area of QITEP and also by conducting High Level Policy Forum on IBSE in 2015 that was officially opened by the Minister of Education and Culture of Republic of Indonesia (Anies Baswedan, MPP, PhD, currently as Jakartas’ Governor), who started the commitment to implement proper IBSE in a science teaching and learning process in national level and regional level.
In 2015-2017, she conducted a multi-year project on ICT-Based Program on Adopting 21st Century Curriculum through Science and Mathematics as mandated by SEAMEO Secretariat, Bangkok.
In national level, she was successful to bring STEM Education being adopted in National Curriculum as an alternate approach in delivering effective science teaching and learning.
Taking into account her expertise, she has received many invitations as speaker not only from SEAMEO member countries but also beyond that include Australia, Korea, Japan, Chile, China, Pakistan, Sudan etc.
She was member of the curriculum team of Fusion of Belt and Road Civilizations Education Curriculum under the Inter-Academy Partnership Science Education Program (IAP SEP) that resulted in the publication of the book that showed how IBSE and STEM were applied in cultural integration context to promote peace and harmony among the youth. The book was published by the Belt and Road International Science Education Co-ordination Committee (BRISECC), Beijing, China. In addition, she also wrote a book “Introduction to Environmental Science” to inculcate environmental awareness in the light of climate change impacts.
She is a member of Global Council of International Academy Panel on Science Education Program (IAP-SEP) since 2015, a founding Fellow of the Academy of Engineering and Technology for Developing World (AETDEW), and Lifetime Membership of International Society of Mangrove Ecosystem (ISME), Japan. She was a BRISECC Council member 2017-2019 during which she vigorously promoted the participation of Indonesian science students in the annual Belt and Road Teenager Maker Camp and Teacher Forum program of CAST, China.
After 7 years working in QITEP, she has now been appointed as the Dean of Faculty of Sciences and Technology, the As-syafiiyah Islamic University, based in Jakarta, Indonesia, thus making her involvement and experiences in various organizations more meaningful to enhance the quality of higher education in national level toward University Education 4.0 Framework and facing the challenges of Society 5.0, University engagement is not new for her as she is an associate professor in Biology and was a Vice Rector (2009-2012).