Rubens Belfort Jr.

Prof. Rubens Belfort Jr. MD, PhD (Immunology), MBA
Professor Ophthalmology, Escola Paulista de Medicina (Hospital São Paulo, Universidade Federal de São Paulo)
President National Academy of Medicine Brazil
President Vision Institute
Fellow:Proctor Foundation/ Univ California,San Francisco
The National Eye Institute, NIH Visiting Scientist
Doctor Medicine (Ophthalmology), Doctor Sciences (PhD Immunology) and MBA
National Academy of Medicine (Brasil)
Academia Ophthalmologica Internacionalis
Brazilian Academy of Sciences
Brazilian Academy of Pharmacy
International Uveitis Study Group
Brazilian Academy of Ophthalmology
Jackson Memorial Lecture
American Journal of Ophthalmology Lecture
Pan American Association of Ophthalmology Lecture
The Mourad Khalil Lecture
Gradle Lecture
Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia Lecture
Brazilian Medal of Scientific Merit, President of Brazil
Senior Achievement Award Certificate, American Academy of Ophthalmology
Chico Mendes Award
Jabuti Award
Scopus, Elsevier/Capes( Ministerio da Educação) Award
O’Connor/ Schlaegel Gold Medal
Pan-American Medal for Distinguished Services
Jose Anchieta Medal
Gradle Medal for Teaching
Società Oftalmologica Italiana Honorary Award
One of the One hundred more influents persons in Brazilian Health (2013)
One of the hundred most influential people in Brazil (2014)
Doutor honoris causa, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru
Doutor honoris causa, Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública
Doutor honoris causa, Universidad Nacional do Paraguay
Doutor honoris causa, Universidade Federal do Paraná – UFPR
President SPDM (Sao Paulo Society for the Development of Medicine)
President Panamerican Association of Ophthalmology
President World Ophthalmology Congress
Chair Pan-American Ophthalmological Foundation
President Pan American Congress of Ophthalmology
President Brazilian Congress of Ophthalmology
President World Uveitis Symposium
Editor Brazilian Archives Ophthalmology
Member International Council of Ophthalmology
Director of Communication, International Council of Ophthalmology
President, Brazilian Congress of Prevention of Blindness
Chairman Educational Committee Braz Council of Ophthalmology
Publications, Conferences and Congresses
More than 1,000 peer-reviewed articles
Over 150 review article and book chapters, different languages.
Edited and co-authored 15 Ophthalmological Books in English, Portuguese and Spanish.
Conferences, Lectures and Talks in 31 countries.