Zurab Kheladze

Vice-President of Georgian Academy of Medical Science

Zurab kheladze – MD. PH.D. Full Professor. Born in 1952.He graduated of The Ozurgeti First Secondary School and of The Tbilisi State Medical University (institute) which honors. In 1983 he defended the candidate and in 1990 he studied doctoral thesis. He has undergone internship at The Albert Einstein Institute and Montefiore Medical Corporation in New-Iork, The Institute of General Reanimatology of The Soviet Union, Moscow First and Second State Medical Institutes, Kiev State Medical Institute, The Center for Catastrophe Medicine in Roma and other leading clinics in the world. From 1975 to 2015 he worked of Tbilisi State Medical University at the beginning which Chief of Anesthesiology-Reanimatology Cher’s and in later he was Chief as the Critical Care Medicine Department’s, which he is established. Also he was the head of the Rheanimatology Scientific Research Laboratory at the Tbilisi State Medical University. At the same years he was had of Anesthesiology-Reanimatologys Departments at The Georgian Central Republic Hospital and the Supervisory Board Member at The National Medical Center of Georgia. Sins 1983 years he established the reanimatiology profile clinic at The Georgian Anti-Sepsis Center, which had he has been. Since 1991 he established the Georgian Critical Care Medicine Institute, which the director is now. He is also established by the Georgian Association of Catastrophe &Critical Care Medicine which president is now. Also he is founder and Chief Editorial Editor of the Journal "Critical Care &Catastrophe Medicine” and he is founder and supervisor of the annual international symposium of Tbilisi "New Steps in Critical Care &Catastrophe Medicine”, He is one of them founder The Georgian Academy of Medical Sciences, which Vice-President he is now. Also The Association of Disaster & Critical Care Medicine of Georgia, as well as Institute of Critical Care Medicine of Georgia, which leadership he is now , considered as one of them founder The World's Global Sepsis Alliance. He was a member of the problem commission of "Reanimatology" of the Soviet Academy of Medical Sciences, Chief Specialist of the Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia in Critical Care Medicine and is currently the state expert in the Critical Care Medicine of the same Ministry, Also he was the head of the residency program and the state chairperson of the certification examination of Critical Care Medicine, chairperson of the commission for State Medical Standards of Critical Care Medicine. He is e chairperson of specialized scientific board of the defense of dissertation in Critical Care Medicine. He is author of 775 scientific works, manuals, monographs, inventions and patents. He is considered of the founders of the Critical Care Medicine technology of Georgia and he is prepared by more than 700 Critical Care Medicine doctors, the majority of them physicians working in this field of Georgia.. His guidance is preserved 15 candidate and doctoral dissertation, the authors of which are currently working in leading Critical Care Medicine Clinics in Georgia. Also he is treated by him more than 75,000 patients, including in recent years Georgia is more or less familiar with the critical condition all state or Government or Social Persons. In 1989 he headed the process of treatment of the victims during the April 9 tragedy in Tbilisi. He also headed sins the first day from the last one day to the treatment of life-threatening wrestlers in the fight for territorial integrity of Georgia.