Environment & Climate

World Science Forum | Thematic Session | Climate justice: seeking equitable solutions to adverse effects of climate change on health


This session is part of the 2022 World Science Forum and is based on science policy work of the network of the European science academies itself and of the global network of science academies, IAP.

The worldwide project on Climate Change and Health (CCH) by science academies concluded in summer 2022 with the publication of a global report synthesising the findings of four regional reports by the science academies of Europe (EASAC), Africa (NASAC), Asia (AASSA) and the Americas (IANAS).

The focus of the session is how climate change impacts on public health and how preparing and – if possible – preventing climate change impacts on health are a
fundamental requirement of social justice. Because the most vulnerable groups within societies are likely to be impacted hardest. Therefore, EASAC proposes to prepare a
WSF thematic session with a focus on key messages about the connection between climate change and health and on what the science academies propose for policy-makers and the public to prevent climate change creating more unjust societies.

The session will take place on 7 December, 11:30-13:00 in the Ballroom of the CTICC, Cape Town, South Africa.

More information on the World Science Forum is available here https://worldscienceforum.org/