On 11 December 2024, the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) hosted a side-session at the United Nations in Geneva during the Fifth Session of the Working Group on Strengthening the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC). The event showcased the findings of IAP's 'Proof-of-Concept' exercise for establishing a Science and Technology (S&T) advisory mechanism to the BWC, which currently lacks one. The session attracted 26 in-person attendees from diverse countries, including Australia, China, Czechia, EU, India, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, Timor-Est and Türkiye, with over 50 more joining via online streaming on the IAP YouTube channel. The event was also broadcast live through the UN channels.
Advancing Biosecurity through Scientific Advisory Mechanisms
The side-session, introduced and moderated by IAP Coordinator Dr. Peter McGrath, featured presentations by:
- Ljupco Gjorgjinski, Friend of the Chair, emphasized the critical need for a Security Advisory Board (SAB) within the BWC framework.
- María Garzón Maceda, outlined the historical context of discussions, including a publication by the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) that presented States Parties’ views and proposed options for a science and technology mechanism for the BWC, including the 'hybrid' mechanism, that was tested during the IAP proof-of-concept meetings.
- Peter Babigumira Ahabwe highlighted the SAB's potential value, particularly referencing Uganda's experience in establishing a scientific advisory mechanism to help the country manage the COVID-19 pandemic.
The full recording of the side-session is available on the IAP YouTube channel:
Diverse Participation and Insightful Dialogue
The session underscored the importance of diverse participation, reflecting balanced geographic and gender representation. During the lively Q&A session, representatives from Iran, Pakistan and others engaged with the panelists, probing further into the SAB's potential roles and challenges.
The event concluded with Peter McGrath summarizing the discussions and emphasizing that while progress has been made, the SAB concept requires further refinement before and even during implementation. Overall, the session provided a valuable forum for dialogue, laying the groundwork for future advancements, and hopefully providing States Parties with the information they require to move forward to establish a SAB for the BWC.
Access the Reports and Watch the Session
The insights presented at the side-session are detailed in two key reports:
- The main report, Science and Technology Advisory Mechanism for the Biological Weapons Convention: A Proof-of-Concept Exercise, can be read and downloaded here.
- A complementary technical report, Exploring Possible Impact of AI on Biosecurity and International Cooperation in the BWC, is available here.
The IAP’s Proof-of-Concept exercise, conducted in February 2024 in Trieste, Italy, explored a hybrid advisory model combining an open-ended body and a smaller expert group. The exercise addressed pressing topics such as the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) with life sciences and key procedural elements like expert diversity, transparency and international cooperation. The findings affirm that an advisory mechanism can enhance the BWC's capacity to address emerging biosecurity challenges.
As efforts to strengthen the BWC continue, the IAP’s work demonstrates the essential role that scientific advisory mechanisms can play in fostering international collaboration and addressing complex global biosecurity challenges.
Read more about the IAP Biosecurity Working Group here.