This year, the World Science Forum (WSF) is taking place in Cape Town, South Africa, from 6-9 December. The theme of the conference is ‘Science for Social Justice’. IAP has been involved in preparations for the event, with co-President Masresha Fetene a member of the Steering Committee, and also with representation on the Organizing Committee.
IAP will also be present during the event itself, involved in a series of sessions, as well as a preliminary ‘meet and greet’ for young scientists.
The sessions that involve IAP are:
Monday 5 December – 14:30-16:00 – Side event – Policies for decarbonising transport with social justice in Europe and Africa – priorities and lessons learned
Wednesday 7 December – 11:30-13:00 – Thematic session organized by EASAC – Climate Justice: Seeking equitable solutions to adverse effects of climate change on health
Wednesday 7 December – 17:00-18:30 – Thematic session: Science in Exile in collaboration with the Global Young Academy – At‐risk, displaced and refugee scholars: Global dynamics and best practices
Thursday 8 December – 11:30-13:00 – Thematic session – A global strategy to combat predatory academic journals and conferences
Friday 9 December – 09:30-11:00 – Plenary session – Justice in science: How to ensure science reflects the society we want? – will feature newly-elected IAP Board member, Asma Ismail (Malaysia) as a discussant.
The OWSD/ISC session is also of relevant to IAP and its member academies, building on the results of a survey carried out with GenderInSITE: Thursday 8 December – 11:30-13:00 – Thematic session – Getting women into academies and scientific leadership: Mentoring works.
The full WSF agenda is available here.
Finally, early career researchers attending the event, perhaps for the first time, are invited to join others in an event organized jointly by IAP, the Global Young Academy, the Africa Science Leadership Programme and the South African Young Academy. A bus tour will not only provide a first orientation of the WSF but will also introduce you to the wonderful city of Cape Town with a special focus on ‘science for social justice’. (Note that this activity is intended only for those already present at the WSF or living/working in Cape Town. No support for travel to or accommodation in Cape Town is provided). Places are limited. Expressions of interest can be submitted here: https://forms.office.com/r/wWzjLPeDaf