Munkhtsetseg Janlav

Dr Munkhtsetseg Janlav has been working in Department of Cellular biology and Biochemistry of MNUMS since 2001 and as a Head of department since 2009. Now she teaches general Biochemistry course for medical and dentistry students in under and graduate courses and Biogerontology course for graduate students, clinical fellows. Dr Munkhtsetseg Janlav graduated from National Medical University of Mongolia in 1999 as a Medical doctor, got master degree of Medicine in 2001 (Pathophysiology, Gerontology) and PhD in 2009 (Biogerontology, Biochemistry). She got her associated professorship in 2012 by Academic council of MNUMS. Beside her teaching, Dr Munkhtsetseg Janlav is a member of academic council of National Gerontology center of Mongolia, used to work as a member of _Professional council on aging and rehabilitation_ of Ministry of Health of Mongolia (2010-2012), elected as a Vice president of Mongolian association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, since 2008, head of scientific cluster on protein purification at university, editorial board member of the Journal of Experimental & Biomedical Sciences, Korea (since 2010) and the Journal of Medical Laboratory science, Mongolia, since 2013.During her teaching experience she has undergone several long term qualification courses on Biochemistry and Molecular biology in Italy, Korea, Japan and awarded young scientists programs and travel grants from IUBMB, Euro-Asia Pacific Uninet, APRU, JCI, TWAS, Indian National Academy of Science, American Austrian foundation to present her research data in several scientific conferences held in Korea, Japan, China, Hong-Kong, Egypt, India and Austria.Her research work mainly conducted on aging, health of Mongolian seniors, endocrine status, lipid metabolism, its regulation, metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus second type, obesity, it_s relation to some genetic peculiarities in Mongolians, traditional and public health nutrition. As a principal investigator she implemented 7 research projects and as an executor researcher has worked in 3 research projects funded by Millennium Challenge Account of Mongolia, WHO, Asian Research center, Asian Development Bank and Science and Technology Foundation of Mongolia. Dr Munkhtsetseg Janlav published more than 50 scientific papers in international and national journals, presented round 60 thesis and co-author of 8 manuals and textbooks for medical students, 111 new gene isolated from Mongolian animal milk bacteria were registered to international gene bank in collaboration with Japanese researchers, her team works on Biochemistry curriculum development at MNUMS and in 2004 she headed a development process of Geriatric curriculum in Mongolia. After completing her PhD she supervised 1 PhD student, 6 master students, 8 bachelor students on Biochemistry and presently guiding 6 masters, 2 PhD students. Dr Munkhtsetseg Janlav initiated and established new chromatography laboratory at the department of Cellular biology and Biochemistry of her home university.