Sustainable Development Goals

Symposium on Judicial use of Nature for Sustainable Development


The Bangladesh Academy of Sciences (BAS), in collaboration with the Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia (AASSA), organizes a hybrid (in-person and webinar) Symposium on ‘Nature for Sustainable Development’ to be held on 07-08 October 2023 at the National Science & Technology Complex, Agargaon, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh.

The Symposium is supported by the Inter-Academy Partnership (IAP).
TWAS-CASAREP & National Young Academy of Bangladesh (NYAB) will act as cooperating organizations.

The Symposium will address the following strategic objectives:  

  • Understand the importance of environmental health and promotion of national and international dialogue and debate for resilience building and mitigation using nature
  • Dissemination of findings on issues that involve all sectors and societies by partnering with international agencies and science academies, inclusive of young academies and women in sciences.

The Symposium will cover the following steer of the nature

  • Land, soil, water and biodiversity
  • Environment
  • Renewable energy
  • Natural products

The Symposium is expected to provide unique multidisciplinary environment and opportunities for the relevant scientists, policy makers, and opinion leaders to exchange views and ideas among themselves on this urgent as well as emerging topic.


Symposium Poster

BAS-IAP-AASSA Symposium, Day 1
Time: 07 October 2023 09:00 AM Astana, Dhaka
Meeting Link
Meeting ID:  693 2307 9159

BAS-IAP-AASSA Symposium, Day 2
Time: 08 October 2023, 09:00 AM Astana, Dhaka
Meeting Link
Meeting ID:  648 8091 7857

Note: Registration is required before joining the meeting and no password is needed.

List of Speakers

PDF Size: 263.08 KB | Last update: 08 June 2023