The Forum for Genetic Research from the Swiss Academies of Natural Sciences (SCNAT), have produced a web portal with questions and answers concerning the new vaccines that are used against COVID-19. You can find it online at https://naturalsciences.ch/en/id/TvwKR.
As explained on the SCNAT website,
The development of vaccines against the SARS-CoV-2 virus (Covid-19) in some cases involves the use of novel technologies. This web portal answers important questions about the Covid-19 vaccines. It introduces the different types of vaccines and explains how they work. It also describes the development and approval of vaccines in Switzerland. The information is regularly updated.
The portal includes some infographics on how the two novel vaccine technologies work and short explanatory videos, which can be found on the SCNAT YouTube channel.
To discover the different types of COVID-19 vaccines you can also check the new IAP infographic.