TWAS has released its Annual Report for 2022, showcasing key programmatic advancements, special milestones, and insights into how the Academy’s mission has been furthered.
Among the highlights are new grants and fellowship programmes, the first-ever Ernesto Illy Colloquia on sustainable coffee growing, and the successful TWAS 16th General Conference in Hangzhuo, China. The report uses graphs and charts to detail the advancement of TWAS’s existing programmes, which have now graduated over 1,000 PhDs, and the Academy’s increased visibility in social media. It also includes maps detailing the location of TWAS Fellows and Young Affiliates throughout the globe.
TWAS is The World Academy of Sciences for the advancement of sciences in developing countries.
Therefore, TWAS Annual Report also showcases some major accomplishments of IAP in 2022, such as the General Assembly and Conference in Arizona.
The TWAS Annual Report is not only one of the Academy’s flagship publications, it is also the repository of its institutional memory and achievements. Feel free to take advantage of its contents in your own work, and we hope you find it interesting and engaging.
Read the report here.
The TWAS Annual Report for 2022 is also available on the TWAS website here.