Accademia Medica di Roma


The Medical Academy of Rome was established in 1875 to promote the advancement of the medical sciences. According to the Statute, doctors-surgeons, chemists-pharmacists, and lovers of physical and natural sciences can belong to the Academy. The Academics and the Ordinary Members of the Academy are chosen from among those who have come in clear renown in medical studies and who, for reasons of residence, can actively collaborate in the life of the Academy.

Each year the Board of Directors of the Academy draws up a Calendar of Sessions which includes Scientific Conferences and Meetings. The topics covered concern the most recent acquisitions of clinical and molecular medicine, and of the basic sciences of the biomedical area. A heterogeneous audience mainly consists of University and Hospital Doctors and Biologists, and Students and Postgraduates of the Faculties of Medicine and Surgery of the Roman Universities take part in the Academy sessions. The sessions are held at the Auditorium of the I Clinica Medica - Policlinico Umberto I, Rome. Participation in the sessions is free.