Judicial exploration of natural resources for sustainable development is a major challenge in the present world in the context of global climate crisis with adverse consequences on livelihood, health and wellbeing of the people. For achieving the universally endorsed SustainableDevelopment Goals (SDGs), sustainable use of natural resources is a prerequisite. The issue is especially important for rapidly developing countries like Bangladesh where aligning
development with sustainability at all dimensions and levels is highly vital. Under this perspective, the present BAS-AASSA Symposium has been organized (with major support from IAP) to address the causes, effects and solutions of the problem related to nature for sustainable development.
Following the deliberations and discussions during the Theme Lecture and twenty-seven Invited Lectures on various aspects of the problem, an interactive open discussion was held in the Concluding Session of the Symposium. During the Session it was decided that the recommendations of the Symposium would be compiled in the form of a ‘Dhaka Declaration’.
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