Policy for Science

Predatory Academic Practices: Regional Perspectives and Learning (Europe)


This series of five free webinars - hosted by the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP), with the Global Young Academy (GYA), the Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia (AASSA), the European Academies’ Science Advisory Council (EASAC), the Inter-American Network of Academies of Science (IANAS), the Network of African Science Academies (NASAC) and The World Academy of Science (TWAS)- is designed to help researchers in their respective regions learn more about predatory academic practices and minimise their risk of using them. 

Each webinar will bring together IAP Working Group members, who are leading IAP’s study on these practices and other scientists in the region, in different disciplines and career stages, to discuss learning from the study and hear regional perspectives on predatory journals and conferences. The webinars organised regionally are as follows:

Europe (co-hosted with EASAC): 19 November 0900-1100 UTC
Africa(co-hosted with NASAC): 24 November 1200-1400 UTC
Americas (co-hosted with IANAS): 3 December 1600-1800 UTC
Asia (co-hosted with AASSA): 7 December 0600-0800 UTC
Global (co-hosted with TWAS): 14 December 1200-1400 UTC

All are supported by the GYA.

Interested participants are welcome to register for multiple sessions though some of the material will be common to all of them. There will be opportunities to submit questions to the speakers and panellists.

All researchers, as well as those in other related sectors (such as research funders and publishers, and libraries and indexing services) are encouraged to participate. 

Participants will receive a Zoom link to join ahead of the event. 



Predatory Academic Practices flyer Final_1.pdf

PDF Size: 1.16 MB | Last update: 14 October 2021


Tracey Elliott